Party Wall etc Act Surveyor Services The Party Wall etc Act provides a level of protection to adjoining building owners where building work is proposed to a party structure or excavation in close proximity to their property.
The Act places an obligation on the building owner who intends to carry out the works to serve formal Notice upon the adjoining building owners of their intentions. This gives the neighbour the opportunity to consider the impact of the work on the condition and stability of their property and to enter into an agreement in the form of an Award setting out the scope of the works, what measures are to be incorporated into the work to eliminate any risk to their building, and including a schedule of condition.
Howard Ruse has more than 20 years experience of working as Surveyor under the Party Wall etc Act and, formerly, under the London Building Acts, appointed by the building or adjoining owner or both as agreed Surveyor, and will serve formal notice, prepare or agree the Award and Schedule of Condition, and inspect the adjoining property for any consequential damage.
Click here to download a PDF of an Explanatory Booklet on the Party Wall Act or see our FAQ page
Howard Ruse is a member of the Pyramus and Thisbe Club , an organisation for construction professionals with a particular interest in matters relating to the Party Wall etc Act 1996. The Club seeks to advance knowledge of party wall legislation and procedure and to promote best professional practice in its application.
"We would like to thank you for all your helpful advice and kind assistance during this long and protracted businesss" Mr & Mrs Flanagan, Eltham.
"Many thanks for an excellent job" Mr Davis, Bromley.